
Friday, February 6, 2015

SGS XWJVU Battery Life

Hows XWJVU Battery Life? Baseband XXJVT. I will make screen capture of the battery usage from time to time and update here...

Firmware version. This is stock. No changes made. No new apps installed.

Running Services

Day 1. 11 Nov 2011

13 Nov 2011. Battery remaining 66%

14 Nov 2011.Battery remaining 60%

15 Nov 2011. Battery remaining 51%

16 Nov 2011. Battery remaining 44%

17 Nov 2011. Battery remaining 30%
No charging...minor awake and screen ON. SIM card signal almost continuous GREEN.

The phone awake and consume WiFi.. its the background services that connect to the internet and doing some update.

18 Nov 2011. Battery remaining 22%

WOW! Its been more than 6 days really good in stand-by...
7 days........NO charging................
Battery remaining 11%...dying....

Gone. The phone going blank. not manage to get screen shot of the last battery juice after 7 days...

This is stand by mode test. Sometime I ON it to view the battery usage and status, make screen capture and upload to picasaweb.

Battery tips here

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